
The Scoot Control consists of the following parts:

  1. Control panel: control the Scoot Control
    Note : The control panel is slightly different for the R-net and the LiNX version.
  2. Handlebar: rubber handle at either side to steer the wheelchair
  3. Left and right throttle: to move the power chair forward and/or backward
  1. 3.5 mm jack to connect an external keypad
  2. Built-in sounder: to be used as horn
  3. R-net or LiNX bus cable

Horizontal movements of the handle bar will result in a steering action of the wheelchair (turning).

In combination with the thumb throttle it is possible to move the wheelchair in any direction.
  • Standard configuration: right throttle = forward, left throttle = backward
  • If both throttles are operated simultaneously and that would result in conflicting direction, the chair will stop driving
Warning : Do not hang things (e.g. backpacks) on the Scoot Control or the throttle. This might damage the throttle and the device. Furthermore, removing items suddenly from the throttle might lead to unintended movement of the power chair if it is not in stand-by mode.
CAUTION : Pushing harder on the throttle will not increase the speed of the power chair. To increase the speed, press S6 or change the settings of the power chair.
CAUTION : When you hold the left or right throttle down for more than 1 second during the stand-by mode, a beep will sound. This is to alert the attendant that the Scoot Control is in stand-by mode and that the wheelchair will not react to the throttle movement. The user has to release the throttle in order to control the power wheelchair again.

Control Panel R-net version

The buttons have the following functions:
Button Function Action
S1 On / Off Switch the power chair on/off
S2 Left indicator Switch the left indicator on/off
S3 Right indicator Switch right indicator on/off
Hold S2 for > 2 seconds Hazard lights Switch hazard lights on/off
Hold S3 for > 2 seconds Lights Switch lights on/off
S4 Horn Horn sounds as long as pressed
S5 Direction Switch direction of the throttles
S6 Speed setting Change the speed. The first click on S6 will show you the current speed setting. The next clicks will change the speed.
Hold S6 for > 2 seconds Grab focus Press long to grab control of the power chair. See Scoot Control Installation Manual for more information.
LED indications on the control panel provide you with the following information:
LED Function Information
D11-D15 Battery gauge Battery indicator: is default on when Scoot Control is in focus
Speed setting Speed indicator when setting the speed.

5 speeds = 5 green LED in a row (e.g. speed level 3 = 3 LEDs on)

Becomes active when pressing S6 and remains active for 5 seconds after last speed change.


When the device is in out-of-neutral, D13 will be lit continuously. Other LEDs are off.

Error D11 and D15 red, D13 flashes red, other LEDs are off: number of flashes indicates the fault (see Scoot Control Installation manual).
Note : Only mo-vis faults are shown, R-net system faults are shown on the remote.
  • In focus: battery indicator
  • Not in focus: D13 green heartbeat flash
  • Configuration: D13 green fast flash
D16 Left indicator Green flash when left indicator is on
D17 Right indicator Green flash when right indicator is on
D16 + D17 Hazard lights / lights indicator Both flash red when hazard lights are on. Both are orange when the lights are on and the direction indicator is off.
D18 Forward / reverse

In standard configuration:

Forward = green

Backward = orange

No focus Off
Stand-by Flash green / orange (depending on direction of throttle)

Control Panel LiNX version

The buttons have the following functions:
Button Function Action
S1 On / Off

If the wheelchair is off when S1 is pressed, the system will turn on with the attendant in charge.

If the wheelchair is on when S1 is pressed, the system will hand over control to the attendant.

When you press S1 again, you turn the wheelchair off.

S2 Hazard lights Switch hazard lights on/off
S3 Lights Switch lights on/off
Hold S2 for > 2 seconds Left indicator Switch the left indicator on/off
Hold S3 for > 2 seconds Right indicator Switch the right indicator on/off
S4 Horn Horn sounds as long as pressed
S5 Direction Switch direction of the throttles
S6 Speed setting Change the speed.
LED indications on the control panel provide you with the following information:
LED Function Information
D11-D15 Speed setting Always show the speed, when Scoot Control is in focus.

5 speeds = 5 green LED in a row (e.g. speed level 3 = 3 LEDs on


When the device is in out-of-neutral, D13 will be lit continuously. Other LEDs are off.

Error D11 and D15 red, D13 flashes red, other LEDs are off: number of flashes indicates the fault (see Scoot Control Installation manual).
Note : Only mo-vis faults are shown, LiNX system faults are shown on the remote.
  • In focus: speed setting
  • Not in focus: D13 green heartbeat flash
  • Configuration: D13 green fast flash
D16 Left indicator Green flash when left indicator is on
D17 Right indicator/Lights Green flash when right indicator is on. Solid green when lights are on.
D16 + D17 Hazard lights

Both flash green when hazard lights are on.

D18 Forward / reverse

In standard configuration:

Forward = green

Backward = orange

No focus Off
Stand-by Flash green / orange (depending on direction of throttle)